Latest fossil News

On World Environment Day Greens call for Native Forest Logging ban, Climate Trigger for pollution
Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions: December 2023 quarterly update
PM Leaves Climate Trigger On Table
5 Big Ways to Take Climate Action Divesting from Fossil Fuels with Li Mei
Driving the Net Zero Transition: How SteelZero and ResponsibleSteel Collaborate to Decarbonise the Steel Industry
Husic’s Corporate Tax Cut Calls
Horizon Power’s renewable energy project ‘a boon for the Kimberley’
Battery incentives for household solar heroes is the fastest way to reduce prices and accelerate energy transition
Coalition Of Coal Will Prove Catastrophic For Climate
Battery plan will be undermined while Labor remains addicted to coal and gas
Eraring Extension: Unnecessary And Backwards
Climate laws, powerless against coal and gas developments
Ampol Axed: Walkleys Drop Dirty Sponsor
Labor’s Budget Leaves Disabled People Behind
Budget For Bulldozers Puts Environment & Nature At Risk
Women’s Safety Not Budget Priority
Cost of Living Inquiry evidence is clear: Labor must raise the rate
Labor’s student debt announcement a step forward, but provides no cost of living relief, say Greens
Labor Is Entrenching Disadvantage
Climate Council celebrates appointment of Board Director Simon Corbell as Chair of Victoria’s revived State Electricity Commission
Prepare Now To Avoid Blackouts In Post-coal Era
CPI shows student debts to rise by 4.8% on June 1, as Greens demand indexation be scrapped in May budget
Victorian Greens elect new leader, issue election challenge on housing
Government Throws Coal On Climate Crisis Fire
FoE Welcomes Wetlands Decision
Oil leak must be wake-up call for Labor State Government, Greens say inquiry needed into retired oil and gas wells
Gas pipeline rupture at ageing rig exposes need for stronger regulation of offshore fossil fuel industry
Greens call for full transparency of Great Barrier Reef covert mission
Researchers Identify Fossil Dolphin
Local Energy Hubs can help people and communities through change
Statement on Approval of Santos Barossa Pipeline and Sea Dumping
Coffs Harbour’s Night In Shining Armour Reborn
Reversing Oil And Gas Ban Brazen And Utterly Reckless
“MOST RESEARCH SITES ARE BLEACHED DOWN TO SIX METRES” The Southern Great Barrier Reef has been cooked by an “underwater bushfire”, and…
Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions: September 2023 quarterly update
Greens secure stronger climate action, welcome independent inquiry into power grid
Reduce pressures on wildlife by stabilising human numbers
‘Just get it done’: New research shows Australians back tax on fossil fuel exports
Greens say Victoria should follow NSW’s lead by banning offshore gas drilling
Government’s claim Great Barrier Reef is not “in danger” is duplicitous and not fooling anyone 
Liberals’ new candidate doesn’t believe in science 30 January 2024
Woodside cannot be trusted to protect Australia’s interests
New EV fast chargers online in Casey
Victorian heatwaves should be named after Premiers
Chief Minister must resign over loss of trust