Latest renewable energy News | Page 105

Engineers Australia releases 9-point COVID-19 recovery plan
Supporting resources sector in low-cost emissions reduction
Re-issued: Becoming nation’s renewable hydrogen industry epicentre
Massive Jobs Boost coming down line with CopperString following State Government commitment
CopperString to power jobs and wealth creation for NQ
Becoming nation’s renewable hydrogen industry epicentre
Licence to speed: King proposals reward big polluters
Upgrade fast-tracked to secure Brisbane Valley power supply
Greens release economic recovery plan creating 76,000 WA jobs
Government’s housing investment will hardly put dent in 100,000-strong waiting list
Greens launch debt-led economic recovery plan including a jobs and income guarantee and massive green investment
Tasmania to build its way out from coronavirus
Reducing our carbon footprint in a 100 per cent renewable electricity deal
Council solar rollout complete
More than 1000 new jobs closer with Olive Downs mine approval milestone
Senex delivers more power for Queenslanders
Solar investment for Upper Gascoyne
Draft Renewables Energy Action Plan to help rebuild economy
Renewable Energy Project’s autonomous vehicle wins federal funding
New report shows carbon emissions being driven down across major Australian infrastructure assets
Pandemic Response Impact on Electricity Emissions Minimal: National Energy Emissions Audit
United Workers Union supports Dairy Levy for industry in crisis
Quick action from governments can drive energy efficiency jobs boom
Shortlist selected for Myocum solar farm
New energy plan to boost exports, create jobs, and cut emissions
Australian businesses and climate change risk
Government supporting unique renewable hydrogen and ammonia opportunity
Green gas could power regional Queensland
Trialling renewable methane in Australia’s gas pipelines
BP Australia study looks to scale up renewable hydrogen for export
Qld COVID-19 – Wed May 6: Social and economic action / no new cases
QRC welcomes Premier’s commitment to North West Minerals Province
Major Qld shopping centres to go green as part of ground-breaking partnership
Toyota welcomes federal government hydrogen initiative
Jobs and clean energy to flow from new solar farm
Australia’s biggest solar farm to be built in Darling Downs
Powerlink project to provide insights into renewable integration
Australia lags in achieving energy benchmarks by 2030
ARENA funding to address emerging system strength challenges
Sustainable living series to support community to cut carbon emissions
Critical minerals focus for top talent
Solar and wind energy sites mapped globally for first time
Community organisations to benefit from fast-track facility upgrades
Backing Australian hydrogen industry to grow jobs, economy and exports
CEFC welcomes launch of new $300 million Advancing Hydrogen Fund
Thirsty coal industry taking water needed by people and environment
ARENA Statement Responding to Australian National Audit Office
May Day car convoy protests against attacks on workers’ rights through COVID-19 pandemic