Australian Greens

The ACT Greens stand in solidarity with the peaceful protestors at the Australian National University Palestine encampment and are concerned by the actions of the ANU leadership in trying to move them on today.

“The ANU encampment was established, like many others around the world, to show solidarity with the people of Palestine and call on the University to cut military ties with Israel,” said ACT Greens Leader, Shane Rattenbury.

“The ACT Greens have continuously called for a permanent ceasefire and lasting peace for Palestine and we support calls for the ANU to divest from corporations complicit in the genocide and human rights abuses.

“Grassroots democracy and peace and non-violence are core to Greens party values and we strongly support the rights of the ANU students to use their voices for the people of Palestine.

“Today the students on campus sat and chanted peacefully, while the ANU brought in police and security in an attempt to intimidate them into leaving.

“It is shameful that the ANU leadership is trying to move the students on rather than genuinely addressing the the demands for the ANU to divest its ties to the genocide.

“The ANU should be supporting students in their peaceful protest and their right to use their voices in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

“Nothing can justify the violence we have seen. In ever-growing numbers, people around the world are taking to the streets, calling for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the genocide and the occupation.

“The ACT Greens will continue to stand up for the people of Palestine and stand alongside all those who add their voices to the call. We cannot be silent and we will not be silent,” said Mr Rattenbury.

/Public Release. View in full here.