ANSTO Chair Appointed

Dept of Industry, Science and Resources

The Australian Government has appointed Michael Quigley AM as Chair of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Board for a four-year term.

Mr Quigley has worked across the public and private sectors, including with telecommunications company Alcatel and as the former NBN CEO.

Mr Quigley has significant Board Director experience in medical research, governance, corporate and capital management.

His extensive financial and governance skills will be a valuable addition to the Board and will support the management of ANSTO’s new nuclear medicine manufacturing facility.

ANSTO is Australia’s nuclear science centre of excellence. It provides advice to Government on nuclear and science technology matters and delivers real-world benefits to Australians by supporting access to nuclear medicines.

Each week ANSTO produces about 12,000 patient doses of nuclear medicine which are sent to around 250 hospitals and medical centres.

/Public Release. View in full here.