Bill Shorten calls you “dumb” if you question him

Australian Conservatives Release

If you dare you ask Bill Shorten how much his climate policies will cost Australian taxpayers he’ll tell you you’re “dumb”.

The Conservative Party says what is seriously dumb is embarking on un-costed and experimental policies which is exactly the practice of the previous Labor government, which resulted in Australia’s exploding commonwealth debt.

The Australian reports, Bill Shorten labelled questions on the cost of his climate policies “dumb” last night as he faced off with Melbourne voters on a special edition of the ABC’s Q&A program.

The Opposition Leader was repeatedly asked about the costs of his big-spending agenda and his proposed tax changes to negative gearing and franking credits.

And when challenged by host Tony Jones on the costs of his environmental policies, which Labor has not modelled, Mr Shorten ­attacked the question itself.

“That is such a dumb question to say, what does it cost without looking at the cost of inaction,” he said. “You can’t have a debate about climate change without talking about the cost of inaction.”

Conservative Party leader Cory Bernardi has consistently called out the whole myth of climate change alarmism labelling it “a dangerous cult” and says nothing we do to mitigate climate change will make any appreciable difference to the world’s climate.

Senator Bernardi was recently interviewed by Adam Peacock on the podcast Peacock Politics, and explained why he is firmly of the belief that climate change alarmism is utter nonsense.

/Public Release. View in full here.