Campaign to boost awareness of owner driver laws

Wage Inspectorate Victoria

Wage Inspectorate Victoria has launched a new campaign to remind the state’s transport industry of its obligations under Victoria’s owner driver and forestry contractor laws.

The campaign reminds hirers and freight brokers of their obligation to provide the information booklet about owner driver laws, the schedule of rates and a written contract to any owner drivers or forestry contractors they engage.

Recent compliance checks have found many hirers failing to comply with these three obligations, which exist under the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005.

These requirements apply to engagements of 30 days or more in any 3-month period, and hirers and freight brokers must keep records to prove they are meeting them.

The campaign also alerts drivers that they should be receiving the information booklet, schedule of rates and a written contract at least 3 business days before work starts.

The Wage Inspectorate is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with Victoria’s owner driver laws and conducts regular compliance checks.

Failing to comply with some requirements is a crime and can attract penalties of more than $4,500 for companies and over $900 for individuals.

Research shows over 50 per cent of those covered by Victoria’s owner driver laws speak a language other than English at home. Campaign information has been translated into eight different languages to help reach Victoria’s multicultural communities.

Hirers, freight brokers and owner drivers seeking

/Public Release.