Campbellfield fire EPA statement

Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) was called to a large industrial fire at a factory in Campbellfield this morning (5 April 2019).

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) was made aware of the situation soon after and, in discussion with MFB officers at the scene, the decision was made to deploy EPA staff in a support role.

EPA will initially provide advice to the incident controller about possible air monitoring in the area. EPA will also provide advice on how to contain fire water at the site to minimise impacts on local waterways.

The fire is generating a large plume of smoke, which can affect people’s health.

People with heart or lung conditions (including asthma), children 14 years and younger, pregnant women and people over 65 are more sensitive to the effects of breathing in smoke.

People with existing heart or lung conditions (including asthma) should follow their treatment plan as advised by their doctor.

If you are experiencing any symptoms that may be due to smoke exposure, seek medical advice or call NURSE-ON-CALL on 1300 60 60 24.

Anyone experiencing wheezing, chest tightness or difficulty breathing should call 000.

/Public Release. View in full here.