Council backs targets set out by UN Climate Conference

Climate change conference with Julia Curry for web.jpg

Byron Shire Council is on track to achieve net zero emissions for Council operations by 2025, aligned with the goals set out by the UN Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow (31 October to 12 November).

“Despite the recent challenges faced by our community – bushfires, floods and COVID-19, combatting climate change remains a top priority for Byron Shire Council and we are proud to be part of the global effort to take action,” Council’s Sustainability Team Leader, Julia Curry said.

“The ‘Think Global, Act Locally’ philosophy has never been more important,” she said.

“Byron Shire Council is a member of international organisations ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) and the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) and we closely follow and align to the goals of the UN Climate Conferences held annually.

“In addition to striving for our net zero emissions goal for Council Operations by 2025, our work with community group, Zero Emissions Byron (ZEB), is ongoing as we move towards the ultimate goal of net zero community emissions,” Ms Curry said.

ZEB’s most recent initiative includes research that tracks community emissions in the Byron Shire from 2015. They are now inspiring more action in the uptake of renewable energy, better buildings, electric vehicles, low carbon living and sequestering carbon through native plantings. See for ideas on what you can do.

On the local front, Council is taking direct action with the Byron Shire Council Climate Change Adaptation Plan, with 100 Adaptation Actions aimed at improving resilience in Byron Shire. The Plan is based on the latest climate projections for our local area and will continue to be implemented over coming years.

/Public Release. View in full here.