COUNCIL BRIEFS: Outcomes From Monthly Meeting Held 25 June

Clarence Valley Council held its monthly Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at then Grafton Council Chambers. 13 of 25 items were debated and the other 12 adopted by consent in a meeting that lasted two hours and 43 minutes.

  • View the June meeting Agenda and Minutes
  • Watch the recording of the June Clarence Valley Council Meeting here
  • Revisit previous meetings here
  • Proposed Interim Flood Planning Levels
  • Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework 2024/2025
  • Organisations Benefit from Community Initiatives Program
  • Cultural and Sports Trust Fund
  • Special Event Sponsorship 2024/2025 – Round One

⬛️ Proposed Interim Flood Planning Levels

Councillors voted to endorse the officer’s recommendation for the Interim Flood Planning Levels at its Junes Ordinary Council meeting.

The Flood Planning Levels are informed by the peak flood depths across the Clarence Valley floodplain during a predicted 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood event that includes mid-range climate change considerations, as indicated by the Lower Clarence Flood Model Update 2022. An additional 500mm ‘freeboard’ is added to this flood event to determine the proposed interim Flood Planning Levels.

The officer’s recommendation was to adopt the interim Flood Planning Levels based on the Lower Clarence Flood Model Update 2022, being 1% AEP2090 Climate Change (RCP 4.5) Scenario as the defined flood event + 500mm freeboard, modify Floodplain Management Controls in Council’s Development Control Plans (DCPs) to align with the interim Flood Planning Levels, and confirm that the previous Flood Planning Levels derived from the 2013 flood model will continue to apply to existing development applications and those under assessment.

⬛️ Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework 2024/2025

A suite of documents under Clarence Valley Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) 2024/2025 were adopted after receiving unanimous support at Tuesday’s meeting.

Each year Council prepares a draft Operation Plan and accompanying documentation under the IP&R Framework, which is enacted under the Local Government Act 1993 and supported by the IP&R Guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government.

The documentation underpins Council’s activities, achieves the direction set by the elected members in the Delivery Program and the aspirations identified by the community in the Community Strategic Plan – Clarence 2032.

The IP&R Framework includes the Operational Plan 2024/25, Resourcing Strategy incorporating the Long Term Financial Plan (2024/2025 to 2033/2034), Workforce Management Strategy (2024/2025-2027/2028) and Asset Management Strategy (2024/2025 – 2033/2034), and the 2024/2025 Fees and Charges.

Read the full media release here

⬛️ Organisations Benefit from Community Initiatives Program

Council received a 48 applications seeking a donation from Council during round one of the Community Initiatives Program which was open from 1 March until 30 April 2024.

A total of $59,772.75 in donations was allocated to the following 43 community organisations for initiatives to take place in the 2024/2025 financial year:

  • Auspiced by Susan & Elizabeth Island Recreation Land Manager, Carrs Creek School of Arts Inc, Clarence Childhood Services Association Inc, Clarence Valley Child and Family Network (CFN), Clarence Valley Woodworkers Association, Country Womens Association – Maclean Branch, Coutts Crossing Coronation Hall, Criterion Theatre Grafton, CWA Chatsworth Island, CWA of NSW Glenreagh Branch, Glenreagh Creative Group Inc, Glenreagh P&C Association, Glenreagh Preschool, Grafton Bridge Club Inc, Grafton Camera Club, Grafton District Services Bowling Club Incorporated, Grafton High School, Grafton Pickleball Club Incorporated, Grafton RSL Sub Branch, Grafton Senior Citizens Inc, Gurehlgam Corporation Ltd, Harwood Island Public Hall Reserve Land Manager, ICOPE Inc, Lanitza/Kungala Community Hall Committee Inc, Lawrence Historical Society Inc, Lawrence Public Hall Reserve Land Manager, Lower Clarence Arts and Craft Association Inc, Lower Clarence Community Radio Inc, Maclean & District Orchid Society Inc, Maclean District Historical Society Inc, Maclean Patchwork & Quilters Group, McAuley Catholic College, Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation, Port of Yamba Historical Society, Rotary Club of Grafton Midday, Rotary Club of Yamba, The New School of Arts Neighbourhood House Inc, The Pelican Playhouse Inc, Ulmarra Public School, Woombah Residents Association Inc, Yamba Patchwork and Arts Group, and Yamba Toy Library.

⬛️ Cultural and Sports Trust Fund

Maia Adamson will receive $300 from the Clarence Valley Cultural and Sports Trust Fund after being selected to compete at the Hockey NSW Australian U18’s National Championship being held on the Gold Coast from 3 – 11 July 2024.

The Clarence Valley Cultural and Sports Trust Fund provides financial support, in any calendar year, to a maximum of $300 for individuals to attend one event at a national level, and $550 per individual for one event at an international level.

The requests for assistance were approved unanimously by councillors at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 June.

Council has provided $1,500 in sponsorship so far this year, providing assistance to five local young people representing the Clarence Valley and NSW at various competitions.

To learn more about the Cultural and Sports Trust Fund, visit

⬛️ Special Event Sponsorship 2024/2025 – Round One

A total of $60,500 in sponsorship was allocated for the following 10 events to take place between August 2024 and February 2025:

  • GBOMB (24 – 25 Aug) – $3,000
  • Grafton December Weekend of Rowing (7 – 8 Dec) – $1,500
  • Grafton Jacaranda Festival (25 Oct – 3 Nov) – $38,000
  • Harwood Sugar Mill 150th Celebration (25 Aug) – $5,000
  • Iluka Mermaid Festival (28 Sept – 6 Oct) – $5,000 • Maclean Women’s Golf (23-24 Sept) – $500
  • Motorfest (25 Aug) – $1,500 • Yamba Ladies Three-Day October Tournament (14 – 16 Oct) – $1,500 Yamba Ocean Swim 2025 (07 Jan) – $1,500
  • Yamba Rodrun (9 Nov) – $3,000

The events are estimated to bring in approximately 44,570 day visitors and 10,580 overnight visitors, contributing more than $5 million to our local economy.

Round two of the Special Event Sponsorship will open from 1 September for events taking place between February and July 2025.

/Public Release. View in full here.