Council’s Pensioner Rebate Policy Update

Goulburn Mulwaree Council


Goulburn Mulwaree Council reviewed its draft Pensioner Rebate Policy in November 2023 in light of the decision to apply for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) from the Independent and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

The revised policy introduced a proposed “discretionary” pension rebate linked to the percentage increases associated with the SRV application. On May 13, 2024, Council received notification from IPART regarding the partial approval of the SRV. Instead of the initially proposed 51.2% variation over three years, IPART has approved a one-time 22.5% variation.

This partial approval has resulted in a significant reduction in the additional revenue generated by the SRV, impacting Council’s ability to offer the discretionary pension rebate as planned. At its meeting held on 21 May 2024, Council endorsed placing the updated draft policy on public exhibition, it now includes a $50 per year discretionary rebate, adjusting from the original $100 per year rebate.

The revised Pensioner Rebate Policy will be placed on public exhibition until 18 June 2024 and, if no submissions are received, it will be adopted as the Council policy. Any submissions received ill be considered and reported to Council prior to final adoption of the policy.

The revised policy also states that the discretionary rebate is dependent upon Council implementing the approved Special Rate Variation budget. If this does not occur, the discretionary rebate provision will not apply.

/Public Release. View in full here.