Council to Freeze Sports Field Fees

Coffs Harbour City

Council plans to freeze current seasonal grass sportsground hire fees and charges for part of the winter season to help local sports clubs recover from the impact of the long and unprecedented rain the whole east coast has experienced.

Council already heavily subsidises the cost of grass sportsground hire, with hire fees representing only around ten percent of the actual maintenance and running costs.

In 2022, Council will apply a discount on grass fields it manages for the first two months of the six-month season to date – roughly a 33% discount for all winter sports, in recognition of the weather disruption to the season. In addition, Council is going to provide assistance to local football to extend its season into October.

“Since opening the Coffs Coast Synthetics at the Coffs Coast Sport and Leisure Park in February, we’ve seen around 370 bookings with 98% being by local sports and schools. Plus, we’ve also hosted some key major events there already,” said Dan Heather, Council’s Group Leader City Prosperity.

“While it’s great to see such demand, we have to be mindful that we have to give all codes and groups a fair share of Council facilities.

“We do prioritise international, national and regional events at facilities like the C.ex Coffs International Stadium and Coffs Coast Synthetics over local events, but there are sound economic and community reasons for that.

“Such events bring more than $30m on average every year into the local economy. That money helps us provide more and better facilities for the community as a whole, but they also have another very important role and that is to inspire and drive local young players to pursue their own sporting dreams by being able to see their sporting heroes in person.

“The Coffs Coast is very lucky to have so many passionate clubs that offer so many opportunities for kids and adults to enjoy their chosen sports. Council’s role is to continue to help support those clubs and the community by seeking every opportunity to improve our sports offerings.”

/Public Release. View in full here.