Destructor Pavilion upgrade

Works have begun to upgrade the Destructor Pavilion at Spring Street, Sandringham. This aligns with Council’s Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan to upgrade Bayside’s sport pavilions to provide female-friendly facilities and meet the identified needs of users.

The sports pavilion will be extended to provide additional changerooms, umpires facilities and a public toilet. It is expected that the extension will be completed by mid-2020. Following the completion of the building, the pavilion closest to Spring Street will be demolished and the area returned to open space.

Residents may experience a level of inconvenience throughout the construction period including some increased traffic in the area with construction vehicles entering and leaving the site. Noise and dust will be managed by the contractor. The playground and sportsgrounds will remain open throughout the construction period.

The cost of this project is $1.5m and is one of 11 pavilions to be upgraded between now and the end of 2024.

Image of Destructor Pavilion before upgrade

/Public Release. View in full here.