Easy Way to Know Your Bore

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Getting to ‘Know Your Bore’ is now even easier for thousands of Territorians in the Darwin rural area and Palmerston.

‘Know Your Bore’ is an online tool that was launched last year to help Darwin rural residents determine if they would be faced with groundwater shortages towards the end of the dry season, following a very poor wet season.

This year’s version is now more easily accessible on laptop and mobile devices and has been expanded beyond Darwin’s rural area to also include Palmerston.

It’s also more colourful following expansion of the colour coding.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Senior Hydrogeologist Melissa Woltmann, said that despite an improved wet season in 2019/20 compared to the previous year, there would be some Territorians whose bores are “at risk”.

“A bore is ‘at risk’ if the predicted groundwater level in your aquifer at the end of the dry season will impact on your bore,” Ms Woltmann said.

“We have expanded our dry risk assessment colour coding to help people interpret their individual situation. If your bore displays in:

· green – your bore is predicted to be ‘Not at risk’

· red – indicates a high confidence prediction that your bore is ‘At risk’

· orange a low confidence prediction that your bore is ‘Potentially at risk

· purple – lack of bore information has resulted in ‘No risk determined’ for your bore

· blue – your bore was ‘Not assessed’ as part of the Know Your Bore assessment.

“I strongly urge anyone who is concerned about their water supply to take the NT Government’s water saving tips on board. These can be found on the DENR website and on the Power and Water Corporation’s Living Water Smart website.”

Territorians living in the greater Darwin region who rely on bores and want to improve their knowledge and understanding of their groundwater situation can go to the Know Your Bore website and enter their address or bore number.

A Katherine version of the online tool is under development for release next month.

/Public Release. View in full here.