Eating disorder clinic set for Liberal-Lambie cuts 28 June 2024

Tas Labor

The RHH currently employs four nurses in an eating disorders clinic, at least two of those nurses are set to have their jobs cut – as early casualties of the Liberal-Lambie Coalition health cuts.

Since the clinic began operating, there has been a massive 50% reduction in admissions of people into hospital with eating disorders, because of the early intervention work being done by this front-line workforce.

Diagnoses of eating disorders has increased significantly over the last decade or so, with the average age of diagnosis decreasing as well. Today, around one in five young women have an eating disorder, and around ten per cent of Australians will have an eating disorder at some point in their life.

Early intervention is key in treating eating disorders successfully, and cutting these nursing staff will mean a cut to services.

This will have a disastrous effect on the people needing treatment as well as adding pressure to the already struggling health system, as hospital admissions will inevitably increase.

It is appalling that in the middle of a health crisis, the Liberal Party is looking at cutting essential front line nursing staff like this.

Are the Jacqui Lambie Network MPs aware they are propping up a Government that is going to cut this vital and successful service? Do they know what other front-line service cuts they are complicit in?

If nurses that treat young Tasmanians with eating disorders aren’t front-line workers, then who is?

Ella Haddad MP

Shadow Minister for Health

/Public Release. View in full here.