Education review for the next generation of safe, secure and well-paid jobs 19 May 2024

Tas Labor

Labor stands for safe, secure and well-paid jobs.

We know that to get people into these jobs, there’s nothing more important than education.

Students performed worse in 2021 than they did in 2008. That tells us that there’s a serious problem.

In Tasmania 53 per cent of students leave school with a Year 12 or equivalent qualification, compared to 76 per cent nationally.

Today, Labor is calling on the Minority Liberal Government to commission the independent education inquiry to look into these matters. If the government does not undertake the review, we will pursue a Parliamentary inquiry.

Nothing is more important than and education system that supports children, educators and parents.

I want Tasmania to be the best place to grow up, work and retire, and the building blocks for that vision starts with a quality education.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

/Public Release. View in full here.