Ekka visitors urged to hear farmer stories

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities The Honourable Mark Furner

Visitors to this year’s Ekka in Brisbane are being urged to make the most of the opportunity to connect with the people who grow the best produce in the world.

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner said the Ekka was a great opportunity for people from South East Queensland to better understand rural life.

“We are talking about an industry forecast to produce more than $23 billion in economic value this financial year and contribute to 13 per cent of the value of Queensland exports,” Mr Furner said.

“I a thrilled to call plenty of farmers my friends, and I hope Ekka visitors will take the opportunity to hear their stories and ask them how they are going.

“We know plenty of farmers have done it tough over years of drought and then the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have also achieved incredible growth and they deserve to have their stories heard.”

Mr Furner said many of the agricultural competitions at the Ekka were hotly contested by farmers who were proud of what they produced.

“I have no doubt that Queensland produce is the absolute best in the world, so the best produce in Queensland is actually a world leader,” he said.

“I encourage visitors to the Ekka to ask the farmers they meet what their lives are like, and what they do that makes them so successful.

“Every farmer has a story, including hard work and innovation, and I hope more people take the time to thank them for their efforts and congratulate them on a job well done.”

Key industry associations AgForce and the Queensland Farmers Federation will once again have a presence at the Ekka.

“These are important organisations representing our agricultural industries and I look forward to continuing to work closely with them to grow Queensland agriculture,” Mr Furner said.

/Public Release. View in full here.