Emergency Assistance for Mascot Towers Residents

Residents whose homes in the Mascot Towers are unsafe to occupy will be able to access temporary residential accommodation assistance following a decision by the NSW Government to supply emergency financial support to the Mascot Towers Owners Corporation.

Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation Kevin Anderson said residents of the 132 units would temporarily be able to access financial support for incurred accommodation expenses whilst engineers determine the root cause of the issues.

“The residents of the Mascot Towers are facing exceptional circumstances with a long wait to understand what has caused this problem. That’s why the Government is providing residents and owners some certainty by helping them meet the cost of emergency accommodation until liability can be determined and these costs recovered,” Mr Anderson said.

“Whilst residents wait for advice from specialist engineers on the root cause of the problem, we are taking decisive action to ensure all residents of the complex, both home owners and tenants, are not left out in the cold.

“I hope that this package will also help ease some of the stress that has no doubt been felt by the Strata Manager and volunteer Strata Committee, who have worked tirelessly to support residents in these exceptional circumstances.”

Residents of a one-bedroom unit will be able to access funding for accommodation of up to $220 per night, $300 per night for a two-bedroom unit and up to $400 per night for a three-bedroom unit paid subject to actual costs incurred.

The assistance will take the form of a no-interest loan to the Mascot Towers Owners Corporation with repayment of the loan to follow any successful claims on the building’s insurance or legal action.

Residents can register for the residential accommodation assistance package by contacting Fair Trading through a telephone hotline (13 32 20), with information also available at www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/

/Public Release. View in full here.