Expanding the Emergency Department Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

Tasmanians who require assistance to overcome issues with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use now have access to more support services in the South.

This follows the expansion of the Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team at the Royal Hobart Hospital Emergency Department to help people navigate the care system.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett, said that this service will provide specialist advice and interventions to assist ED staff and patients.

“The focus of the team is on prevention, early intervention and harm reduction through specialist advice, harm reduction strategies, and increased information about substance use,” Minister Barnett said.

“The expanded service comprises alcohol and other drug specialists, clinical nurse consultants, allied health professionals and peer workers to complement existing clinical and medical teams.

“We engaged extensively with the sector peak body and lived experience representative organisations in the design of the service.

“Ensuring that Tasmanians have access to the healthcare and support that they need is a crucial component under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, and this expansion helps us to deliver just that.

“The expansion of this service is a significant step towards creating a more collaborative and coordinated service system as part of our $7.4 million funding commitment to support alcohol and other drug reform in Tasmania.”

/Public Release. View in full here.