Fish Market Go Ahead a Great Start for Pyrmont Revitalisation

The Sydney Business Chamber says today’s announcement that construction of the new Fish Market has been fast-tracked, starting in 8 weeks, marks the beginning of an exciting revitalisation of the Pyrmont precinct that will become a tourist, jobs and residential hub on Sydney Harbour.

“The Fish Market is an icon on the Western Harbour and the new one will be a wonderful place for tourists and locals to visit, giving Sydneysiders the Fish Market they’ve been waiting for decades to be built and providing a big boost to jobs and the NSW economy,” said Katherine O’Regan, Executive Director of the Sydney Business Chamber.

“It signals the start of a valuable revitalisation of the Pyrmont Peninsular precinct that will bring hundreds of jobs in construction and beyond, as well as driving tourism and adding a great place for locals to eat, shop and play.”

“The design incorporates high quality, accessible public amenities including parks, a ferry wharf, dining options, footways and great open spaces for locals and tourists alike to enjoy. It will also be a key feature on the new public walkway stretching from Wentworth Park right around the harbour foreshore to Woolloomooloo.”

“The current old site still manages to attract 3 million visitors per year, so this exciting new amenity is expected to double that number while still maintaining the heritage aspects of this historic Sydney suburban area.”

“The NSW Government is to be applauded for its quick response to the Covid crisis and its impact on jobs and the State’s budget, by accelerating key infrastructure projects like the Fish Market, to kick-start and rebuild Sydney’s economy – the engine room of the NSW economy.”

/Public Release. View in full here.