Foreshore Drive Boat Ramp Hooning Crackdown: Bayside

Bayside Council will write to the Minister for Transport, the CEO of the Port Authority NSW, and the NSW Police Local Area Commander to highlight the public safety risks regarding the increased anti-social behaviour at Foreshore Drive boat ramp.

Council has noticed that Foreshore Drive boat ramp carpark is increasingly being used by car and motorcycle hoons for burnouts.

This is impacting on the local community who are often unable to sleep or are being woken by the sound of modified vehicles at the boat ramp and travelling along local streets.

The Foreshore Drive Boat Ramp is owned by Transport for NSW and leased to the Port Authority of NSW and Council’s request will call for:

  • proactive daily review of the existing CCTV cameras with evidence of hooning handed to Police
  • the addition of CCTV cameras in other areas of the carpark
  • the introduction of License Plate Recognition cameras
  • the extension of security presence after 6pm daily
  • more regular, random Police patrols at night
  • mobile speed cameras on Foreshore Drive at night.

Mayor Saravinovski said:

“Combatting Hooning in Bayside has been one our highest priorities for many years,” Mayor Bill Saravinovski said.

“The community has had enough, and Council’s position has always been that this disruptive and law-breaking behaviour is totally unacceptable.”

/Public Release. View in full here.