Free professional development for artists and creatives

Registrations are now open for a new program to support emerging or professional artists, arts workers, people involved in community arts and people who work in any creative industry field.

We’re one of eight Councils to partner with Pop Up Art who will deliver the free ArtsACTION upskilling and professional development program for creatives.

The program supports creatives to get into action, work collaboratively, and refine innovative methods for success. It will assist with activating career pathways, broadening networks, and building market reach.

ArtsACTION offers a six-part email resource pack, Zoom workshops, and access to a growing network.

FREE to participate, it is delivered entirely online until 30 June 2021.

If you are an emerging or professional artist, an arts worker, involved in community arts or work in any creative industry field, ArtsACTION is for you.

If you are looking to grow your career, build your business, step up your organisation or connect with other creatives across Victoria and beyond, ArtsACTION is definitely for you!

ArtsACTION can help creatives to grow their career, build their business, step up their organisation and connect them with their peers and other local artists.

The program runs until June with a six-part resource pack, online workshops and networking opportunities.

/Public Release. View in full here.