FSU condemns RACQ management


The Finance Sector Union has condemned the conduct of RACQ as the union attempts to negotiate a fair pay deal with the Queensland based insurer. RACQ employees voted to reject a three percent pay offer in April but calls for the CEO David Carter, to meet with staff have been ignored. To add insult to injury, the Queensland-based organisation which offers roadside service, insurance and banking is seeking to ignore normal EA negotiations and taking a new 3.25% offer to a vote without further discussions with workers or their union.

FSU National Secretary Julia Angrisano said negotiated wage outcomes under Enterprise Agreements in the financial services sector must take inflation into account or risk real wage cuts for workers.

“The RACQ is ignoring the real state of the economy and trying to hoodwink workers into accepting a pay cut,” said FSU National Secretary Julia Angrisano.

“Our members know the cost of everything is going up and that inflation is running at 5.1%. They want RACQ to take inflation into account when negotiating a fair wages outcome.”

“When inflation was low, employers were more than happy to argue the CPI should be used as a benchmark for keeping wages low.”

“So now the boot is on the other foot, we are just as firm in our demands that RACQ recognise consumer prices are rising and to set wages accordingly.”

“The RACQ promotes a culture of supporting the community, but it refuses to support its workers. Instead RACQ is trying to drive down wages rather than delivering a fair outcome.”

Ms Angrisano said the FSU would be insisting all financial services employers take account of inflationary pressures in future wage negotiations.

/Public Release.