Green Party welcomes first Wellbeing Budget

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

“The Green Party is proud to welcome New Zealand’s first Wellbeing Budget to deliver change for New Zealanders,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today.

“Budget 2019 is a massive boost for the delivery of the Green Party’s Confidence and Supply Agreement.

“The major new investments in mental health, strong action on climate change, sustainable land use, and better rail options are a direct result of the Green Party’s campaigning, and we are now in a position to deliver them.

“The Green Party is the proud heart of the first Wellbeing Budget. We are leading progressive policies at the same time as changing the way Government works.

“Government spending should be focused on creating a sustainable economy, building a fair society, and supporting a healthy environment.

“I am particularly pleased that the Government is moving away from GDP as the only measure of success. This has always been a core Green Party value, as it was for the Values Party before us.

“This Wellbeing Budget will change how we think about the economy. We know that what we measure focuses our attention and drives change. Future generations should be empowered by measures beyond GDP to act for our environment and to make people’s lives better.

“I particularly want to acknowledge Green Party MP and Under-Secretary of Justice Jan Logie for her dedication to ensure change for people experiencing family and sexual violence. Her approach exemplifies a Green Party approach of transformative change.

“I want to sincerely thank Labour and New Zealand First for working with the Green Party to help us deliver on our goals in government,” says James Shaw.

/Public Release. View in full here.