Greens Slam Funding Cuts To Youth Crime Prevention

Australian Greens

The Victorian Greens have slammed the Labor Government today for failing to renew funding to a key youth crime prevention program.

The Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS) will lose $1.85 million in funding for early intervention support for young people who have had recent contact with police.

Since 2011, the YSAS program has engaged more than 10,600 young people, with external expert evaluations finding it reduced their involvement with police and the youth justice system.

These cuts are a stark contrast to a Labor budget that increases funding for Victoria Police by about 8%.

The Victorian Greens have previously criticised Labor for dragging their feet on raising the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14.

Labor’s plans to raise the age to just 12 have been labelled a timid, politicised decision that completely ignores First Nations communities and leading medical, legal and human rights groups across the world.

As stated by Victorian Greens justice spokesperson, Katherine Copsey MLC:

“These funding cuts lay bare the Labor Government’s cruel priorities.

“In the budget they increased funding for Victoria Police by about 8%, and now they have announced funding cuts to a crime prevention program that makes a real difference in young peoples’ lives.

“It’s clear the Labor Government is more invested in locking kids up than they are supporting them.

“The Labor Government is dragging their feet on raising the age of criminal responsibility, against the advice of First Nations communities and leading medical, legal and human rights groups.

“If the Labor Party was serious about supporting young people, they would reinstate funding for this critical program, and urgently raise the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14.”

/Public Release. View in full here.