Guide To Your Council Plan And Budget

City of Port Phillip
On 26 June 2024, Council endorsed the Council Plan and Budget (Year 4). Here’s what you need to know.

What is the Council Plan and Budget?

The Council Plan 2021-2031 is a 10-year strategic roadmap that guides everything we do for our community and includes important elements such as our Community Vision, Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan, Revenue and Rating Plan and Budget. It provides a solid foundation for the continued rollout of community projects, services, and initiatives.

Every year, in consultation with the community, we review and revise the Council Plan and we create a Budget to assist us in meeting our strategic objectives.

The importance of Year 4

Although the Council Plan is a 10-year document, it operates in four-year cycles. This is because the document needs to be completely redrafted every time a new Council is elected, to ensure it continues to accurately reflect the vision of our councillors and community.

That means, that not many major changes were proposed for 2024/25 because it is the final year of the current four-year planning cycle. Instead, the focus was on developing an annual Budget that responds to the dynamic financial environment and delivers on existing initiatives and projects.

What to expect for Year 4

Following extensive community consultation, the proposed amendments for Year 4 (2024/25) of the Council Plan and Budget were officially endorsed on 26 June 2024. Some key amendments included changes to:

  • local rates
  • the Rating Strategy and differential rates
  • waste charges
  • Victorian Government’s Fire Service Levy
  • project investments
  • Council indicators.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the review and revision of the Council Plan and Budget (Year 4) documents, including the 382 individuals and groups who took the time to have their say.

Please see our Have Your Say page for the full engagement report.

Key changes for Year 4

  • Local rates

  • The Rating Strategy and differential rates

  • Waste charges

  • Victorian Government’s Fire Service Levy

  • Project investments

  • Council indicators

Where to access the Council Plan and Budget (Year 4) documents

You can access the full suite of Council Plan and Budget (Year 4) documents on our Council Plan and Budget webpage.

/Public Release. View in full here.