Have Your Say on Pioneer Park Goombungee master plan

Toowoomba Regional Council is asking the Goombungee community to have its say on the future of Pioneer Park.

Environment and Community Committee Portfolio Cr Tim McMahon said Council had started a master planning process as part of an upgrade to Pioneer Park.

“The master plan will be used to guide the future improvements of this park to a district-level standard,” Cr McMahon said.

“Council is keen to hear what the Goombungee community likes about the park and even what they don’t like.

“We would like feedback on what could be improved in and around the park and, more generally, what improvements could be made to the town’s parks.”

Cr McMahon said the master plan would set out the vision for Pioneer Park for the next 10 to 20 years and make recommendations for park development works when budgets are made available.

“It is important to note that master plans are high-level aspirational concept-style documents and identification of potential future works does not mean that funding has been or will be allocated,” Cr McMahon said.

There are several ways in which the Goombungee community can have a say on the future of Pioneer Park:

/Public Release. View in full here.