Heavy rainfall for Northern Rivers


Current situation

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Flood Watch for Minor to Moderate flooding across parts of the Northern Rivers. This Flood Watch provides early advice of possible flooding. Check the Bureau of Meteorology for the latest warning information at www.bom.gov.au.

Extremely wet catchments, combined with recent widespread rainfall and localised heavy falls means that predicted further rainfall could lead to flash flooding, renewed riverine flooding and landslips and if there is damaging winds, then potential fallen trees and powerlines.

How the NSW SES is preparing for this severe weather event

Extremely wet catchments with recent widespread rainfall and localised heavy falls means that predicted further rainfall can lead to flash flooding, renewed riverine flooding, landslips and if there is damaging winds, then potential fallen trees and powerlines.

The NSW SES has established major incident response centres in anticipation of the weather. Planning and preparation are well underway by the NSW SES Incident Management Teams. Additional vehicles, vessels and people have been deployed into the Northern Rivers areas to assist and support local NSW SES teams.

We are closely monitoring the impacts of potential further weather events would have on the recovery efforts and working with Resilience NSW and other recovery partners and agencies.

Community safety information

Every flood is different. Impacts from the recent floods have meant that conditions and environments may have changed. Future floods may be different than expected or experienced.

Catchments in Northern NSW are still saturated, and it will only take a small amount of rain to see a renewed river rises or flash flooding.

There is the potential for landslides due to soggy and saturated soil.

With expected wind in the coming days this could result in trees uprooting.

Act early If you live in an area impacted by flooding or that is likely to be isolated.

If you live in a low-lying area, consider moving items to higher parts of your house. Consider what you will take with you if you need to leave your property.

Prepare sandbags early to help divert water if flooding is likely to affect your property.

If your property has been damaged during recent floods and does not provide adequate protection from heavy rainfall, consider staying with friends or family.

As the weather intensifies, clean-up efforts may be impacted. Recovery items located in low-lying areas may need to be moved to higher ground.

Keep clear and move away from trees or unsecured structures during storms or periods of wind.

If warnings are issued for your area, follow the directions of emergency services, and check on your neighbours to ensure they have received critical emergency messages.

Farmers should make arrangements early to move livestock to higher locations.

Keep clear of creeks and storm drains. If flash flooding traps you, seek refuge in the highest possible place and call 000 if you need rescue.

As the weather intensifies, roads may be closed due to flooding.

Plan ahead for any necessary travel – check for road closures. Always drive to the road conditions – Never drive around barriers or through flood or damaged roads.

Be aware of your surroundings, monitor weather conditions closely and make the safe decision for you and your family.

Sandbag collection

The NSW SES is establishing sandbag collection points at the following locations and will be open from 9 am Monday morning.

  • Spotlight South Lismore, 28 Bruxner Hwy, South Lismore
  • NSW SES Casino Unit, 1 East Street, Casino
  • NSW SES Ballina Unit, Angels Beach Drive, Ballina
  • Lismore Workers Sports Club, 202 Oliver Ave, Goonellabah

/Public Release. View in full here.