Improved tracking of hazardous waste welcomed

Victorian industry has welcomed the State Government’s commitment to upgrading programs and use of technology in tracking hazardous waste in the State.

“Better tracking of where hazardous waste is being created and moved to, will improve public confidence in the system and ensure that companies complying with regulations are recognised in the waste system,” the Victorian Head of the Australian Industry Group, Tim Piper, said today.

“Tracking of hazardous waste obviously needs to be improved to ensure unregulated stockpiling of hazardous waste does not occur.

“The EPA needs to know where hazardous waste is coming from and going to, and those that fail to provide the information dealt with accordingly. At the moment we don’t see that as happening,” Mr Piper said.

Mr Piper said there was a compliance review undertaken by the EPA in 2010 that should help in creating a better tracking system.

“Stockpiling of hazardous waste must meet license regulations and the EPA must ensure it puts as much effort into policing licensed sites as it does into gaining intelligence on unlicensed sites, which have the propensity to cause additional problems.

“The State Government has provided more funds to the EPA and the engagement of Worksafe in the regulation should be a benefit to both the community and industry,” Mr Piper said.

/Public Release. View in full here.