Independent review backs Greens calls for integrity in planning

Australian Greens

An independent review by PEG Consulting tabled today in the Legislative Assembly proves the community and ACT Greens were right to put planning governance back on the table for improvement.

“Creating a liveable Canberra means having a robust planning system we can trust,” said Jo Clay MLA, ACT Greens spokesperson for planning.

“This means having good governance. But Labor’s planning ministers spent four years reviewing the planning system and told the community that governance was off the table.

“The biggest financial decisions this government makes are about land and development. We don’t have mines, we only have land.

“We need a system of good governance when deciding what to do with that land and it was astounding that an entire four-year review could be conducted without looking at this.

“While chairing committee inquiries into the planning review, I consistently heard community concerns about governance.

“The community, the committee and ACT Greens put governance back on the table, and today’s report proves we were right to do so,” Ms Clay said.

The Greens ensured this independent review into governance would be conducted and tabled within 12 months.

Part of the review was looking at whether to separate the roles of the head of the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate and the Chief Planner.

“Today’s PEG review backs that recommendation. This role will be split from 1 July 2024,” Ms Clay said.

“I’m pleased that the PEG review has made several other governance recommendations we’ve been calling for.

“I welcome the PEG review but I’m disappointed it didn’t happen as part of the four-year planning review. We’re in a housing crisis and a climate crisis. We can’t afford to run endless inquiries that don’t look at the main issues. We need to do it right the first time around and take action.

“The Greens will follow through to make sure all eight recommendations are implemented.”

/Public Release. View in full here.