Kingston’s budget delivering responsibly

Draft budget 2023/24

The delivery of first-class infrastructure, top-quality facilities, highly utilised community services and ongoing financial responsibility are the features of Kingston’s 2023-24 draft budget.

Mayor Hadi Saab said genuine and deep community consultation had played a vital role in its development.

“Informed by over 160 community submissions, thanks to our new year-round Talking Kingston consultation, this is a budget that balances the needs of our entire community and is focussed on building a stronger, healthier, and more connected Kingston,” Cr Saab said.

“Among the key issues raised via Talking Kingston so far are shopping strip revitalisations, foreshore enhancements, playground and open space improvements and climate action and we are investing in all of these.”

Along with the key Council responsibilities of roads and rubbish, importantly the rates collected also help fund important work for those in need each year.

“Like you, I want a Kingston we can be proud of. Our Community Vision strives for resilience, inclusivity, and diversity, and aims to build the most liveable and sustainable city in Victoria and this budget will ensure our community services can help this vision become reality,” Cr Saab said.

“Among these are at-home care for the elderly and those with disabilities, delivered meals programs, childhood immunisations, maternal and child health support, senior citizen centres and much more. To secure the strongest future for our littlest residents we will also continue to invest in our kindergartens, provide facilitated playgroups and administer central kinder registration for more than 3000 Kingston families.

“We are also continuing our investment in building a more sustainable Kingston by rolling out urban cooling projects, planting 4,500 trees, environmental efficiency upgrades and new solar initiatives.”

The budget which projects a $1.2 million surplus, outlines a $53 million capital works spend that includes:

  • $7.6 million for local roads
  • $4.8 million for the Dingley Village Stage 2 works to progress the delivery of an intergenerational community hub
  • $4.4 million to progress the new pavilion at Regents Park in Aspendale
  • $4.0 million to progress Kingston’s new district-level Aquatic and Leisure Centre
  • $2.5 million for drainage flood mitigation

/Public Release. View in full here.