Labor backs price gouging Tasmanian business and passengers

Michael Ferguson,Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

The Tasmanian majority Liberal Government is standing up for Tasmanian business and passengers, and we support TT-Line in refusing to accept price gouging, which will hit Tasmanian businesses and passengers hard.

Labor is once again demonstrating its acute lack of business acumen and is undermining proper commercial negotiations which are necessary to secure a fair and reasonable lease agreement for Station Pier beyond 2022.

Labor clearly wants Tasmanians to pay more for a sub-standard lease outcome.

It is already a matter of public record TT-Line is in lease negotiations with Victorian Ports, which was outlined on 6 December 2019 at the Government Business Scrutiny Committee.

At this time I said quite clearly that “the offer put to TT-Line is quite unacceptable in terms of its pricing and conditions . . . TT-Line provides an extremely valuable service and there are alternative berth options available in Victoria”. I also moved to assure Tasmanians that as a Government, we will not accept unreasonable charges, as TT-Line would have no choice but to pay and then pass on to its freight and passenger customers.

We will always put Tasmanian interests first and we are working professionally and carefully with the TT-Line Board and management, unlike reckless Labor who will throw Tasmanian business under the boat for the sake of a cheap headline.

Management of TT-Line also stated on the public record on 6 December 2019 they have met with Victorian Ports on a regular basis trying to work through what the future might look like as part of the negotiations.

Under this Government, TT-Line has enjoyed phenomenal success, with our plan to deliver more passengers and lower fares, as well as two new ships well within the 2028 timeframe.

Unlike Labor, the Government won’t reach in and run commercial interference. It is absolutely prudent that TT-Line undertakes appropriate negotiations, due diligence, consultation and fully exercise its responsibilities as a corporation.

The Tasmanian Government will not stand for anything that will harm our state’s businesses or interests.

/Public Release. View in full here.