Limited edition number plates released to commemorate 50th anniversary of Tracy

NT Government

From 1 July, Territorians can purchase limited edition ‘NT Remembering Cyclone Tracy 1974 – 2024’ number plates to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy with 200 plates released.

Cyclone Tracy had a profound impact on the Territory, 66 people died, more than 600 were injured, over 70 per cent of Darwin’s homes destroyed and 75 per cent of NT residents evacuated.

50 years after Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin in the early hours of Christmas morning in 1974 we honour the lives that were lost, the resilience of Tracy survivors, the work of our local emergency responders and those across the nation that helped to rebuild Darwin.

A set of commemorative number plates can be purchased at any of the NT’s Motor Vehicle Registry offices on a first come, first serve basis, for affixing to a registered motor vehicle upon purchase.

Only Northern Territory residents who have a current NT registered vehicle in their name will be eligible to purchase the commemorative plates.

Quotes to attribute to Chief Minister Eva Lawler:

“Fifty years after Cyclone Tracy devastated Darwin in the early hours of Christmas morning we honour those that lost their lives and also acknowledge the resilience of Territorians.

“As a Tracy survivor I have seen Darwin transform over the past 50 years into a vibrant tropical city re-built by Territorians and the Territory spirit.”

Quotes to attribute to Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Joel Bowden:

“The Remembering Cyclone Tracy commemorative number plates will be popular with Territorians as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy.

“Today Darwin and the Territory have re-built, building codes were changed and homes built in cyclone-prone areas are now designed to withstand the destruction that Tracy brought 50 years ago.”

/Public Release. View in full here.