Market brief released for the upcoming Capacity Investment Scheme Tender 2

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

The Australian Government has released a market brief for the Capacity Investment Scheme Tender 2, which will focus on projects in the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM).

Tender 2 is expected to open mid-July 2024 and will seek bids for clean dispatchable capacity projects in the WEM.

The tender will target 500 MW of 4-hour equivalent (or 2,000 MWh) dispatchable capacity.

The market brief provides an overview of the key design elements of the tender, including the proposed eligibility and merit criteria.

The Western Australian electricity sector is undergoing rapid transformation and requires significant investment in new generation and storage capacity.

Through the CIS, the Australian Government will seek competitive tender bids for renewable capacity and clean dispatchable capacity projects to:

  • deliver an additional 32 GW of capacity by 2030
  • deliver the Australian Government’s 82% renewable electricity by 2030 target.

AEMO Services Limited will manage the CIS tender 2 process on behalf of the Australian Government.

The Australian Government will run CIS tenders every six months between 2024 to 2027.

/Public Release. View in full here.