Moreton Bay Jobs Fair connects job seekers with employers

The Morrison Government’s Jobs Fair in Morayfield, Queensland, will showcase hundreds of employment opportunities available in the Moreton Bay area and greater Brisbane.

The event which will be held on Thursday 20 February, will bring together job seekers and more than 40 exhibitors, including more than 29 local businesses and apprenticeship, traineeship and service providers offering a range of diverse employment opportunities.

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said the Jobs Fair will give people looking for work the chance to speak directly with employers who have jobs available and employment service providers who can assist them in obtaining work.

“The Morrison Government regularly holds Jobs Fairs around the country. They have been extremely successful with more than 26,600 people attending jobs fairs in the last two years,” Minister Cash said.

“Our Government is committed to getting more Australians into work, and as Minister for Employment I am determined to see job seekers in Moreton Bay and the surrounds get the assistance they need to gain sustainable employment.”

Member for Longman, Terry Young MP, said the Jobs Fair offers people in the Moreton Bay region some great employment opportunities.

“The Moreton Bay Jobs Fair will provide exciting employment and apprenticeship opportunities to jobseekers in this region. People can often find it challenging getting their foot in the door to employment and this Jobs Fair provides a great way for local people to make that happen,” Mr Young said.

“I encourage people to come along and check out the many jobs on offer with our local employers, and to take part in the free workshops and seminars available on the day.”

Workshops and information sessions will offer practical tips on résumés and interviews, and job seekers will hear from local employers about the skills they are looking for. There will also be sessions on job search techniques along with advice on transferring your skills.

The Moreton Bay Jobs Fair is a free event at the Morayfield Sport and Events Centre, from 10.00am to 5.00pm on Thursday 20 February 2020.

/Public Release. View in full here.