Multi-million dollar Charles Moroney Park upgrade supporting more than 20 local jobs

A multi-million dollar upgrade of a major suburban park has commenced, with the project supporting more than 20 jobs.

Charles Moroney Park is being upgraded with a new playground, pump track, fitness facilities, sports fields, car park and improvements to the existing dog off-leash area.

The project has been allocated $4.25 million in funding from the Palaszczuk Government’s Works for Queensland program.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said she was proud to deliver on another commitment to the community.

“Charles Moroney Park is important to the local community and it is time to upgrade it into a modern facility for the future,” Cr Hill said.

“This upgrade will transform Charles Moroney Park with new playground equipment, fitness facilities, sports fields and a pump track.

“Local families are going to be the big winners from this fantastic project, which is done in collaboration with the Queensland Government.”

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the Palaszczuk Government’s $600 million Works for Queensland program was delivering great results for Townsville residents.

“Projects like this benefit help Townsville residents to stay fit and active and they’re great news for the local economy because of the jobs they support,” he said.

Infrastructure Committee Chair and Local Councillor Mark Molachino said residents and sports clubs based at Charles Moroney Park had requested an upgrade.

“Council has consulted with the local community and listened to their feedback to deliver a very important upgrade to a much-loved park,” Cr Molachino said.

“Upgrading parks and open spaces throughout our community has been a major focus of this Council and I’m very proud to be part of a team delivering the Charles Moroney Park upgrade.

“Importantly, this project will support more than 20 local jobs.”

Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said the Charles Moroney Park upgrade would transform the local area.

“This is an important park for locals living in surrounding suburbs and I’m proud to be part of the Palaszczuk Government that is investing more than $4 million in this project,” Mr Harper said.

“Importantly, this is project is supporting more than 20 local jobs.

“This is another great collaboration between the Queensland Government and Townsville City Council to build better communities and support local jobs.”

/Public Release. View in full here.