New taxes aren’t transport solution Wellington wants

The New Zealand National Party

People across the Wellington region have reason to be disheartened at the outcome of the Let’s Get Wellington Moving project, which isn’t going to solve the capital’s congestion woes anytime soon, National’s Associate Transport spokesman Brett Hudson says.

“After more than 500 days of talk, the Government has delivered many of the transport solutions that were proposed years ago under National, but has pushed out the delivery timeframe by 30 years and demanded Wellingtonians stump up to pay for it.

“Thirty years is absurdly-long for a project like this, and Labour’s plan is extremely non-committal. How can anyone have confidence in a final outcome that far into the future?

“The Transport Minister has a proven record of big talk followed by non-delivery. There are no guarantees he will actually deliver what is promised, and release the congestion handbrake that’s frustrating Wellingtonians and holding back the city’s productivity.

“Phil Twyford also seems to have forgotten the thrust of this project was to fix the congestion plaguing the Basin Reserve roundabout. This plan contains no solid detail about what, if anything, will be done to solve this problem.

“But the biggest concern for people across the region should be the Government’s plan to sting them 40 per cent of the $6.4 billion cost. After the Prime Minister ruled out more regional fuel taxes, Phil Twyford has tried to pull the wool over people’s eyes by announcing a $2.56b regional transport tax disguised as increased rates and charges.

“This just shows the problems the Government’s transport priorities are causing. They have taken $5b worth of taxes paid by road users out of the highway budget to spend on pet projects like light rail in Auckland, and now they’ve got nothing left for roading projects.

“Labour’s plan robs Wellington of the roading upgrades it desperately needs. National is committed to giving transport in Wellington the priority it deserves and focusing on meeting the expectations of all commuters.”

/Public Release. View in full here.