‘No Regrets’ White at odds with her federal counterparts on forestry

Sarah Courtney,Minister for Resources

Yesterday’s announcement from Federal Labor that it no longer supports the disastrous failed Tasmanian Forest Agreement (TFA) put in place under the previous Labor-Green Government has set Rebecca White at odds with her Federal colleagues.

State Labor Leader Rebecca White stood by the deal and claimed she had no regrets about it, despite the resulting decimation of forestry jobs in her own electorate of Lyons.

Ms White and her Labor Party colleagues also stood back as the Triabunna wood fibre export facility was shut down and dismantled.

It was only in December 2018 that the Labor Federal conference decided to back the original TFA – and their backflip just months after that announcement reveals how damaging they think the TFA would be for Tasmania.

However Federal Labor’s back down on this position is not surprising, considering it is obvious that the industry is in much better shape now than under the previous administrations.

Tasmania’s forest industry in its current form is growing in strength and confidence because the Hodgman Liberal Government has provided the industry with a positive environment to support future investment and job creation.

Only the Liberal Party can provide the forest industry with the certainty to make investment for the future.

/Public Release. View in full here.