NSW moves one step closer to completely sealed highway network

A decade-long project to completely seal 153 kilometres of the Silver City Highway has been achieved, providing safer and more resilient road for motorists in the state’s Far West.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said NSW is one step closer to a fully sealed highway network with the completion of works on the Silver City Highway.

“The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is building the infrastructure that matters to make daily life easier for regional communities and our $195 million investment to seal this vitally important highway is just one example of how we’re doing that,” Mr Farraway said.

“The completion of construction and sealing on the Silver City Highway is an incredible milestone for people living in the Far West of NSW, not to mention the many freight operators and tourists who use the road every year.

“About 840,000 tonnes of locally-sourced crushed gravel and 50,000 tonnes of aggregate was used to build and seal the highway and the result is a legacy project that will benefit the people and businesses of the state’s Far West for generations to come.

“The Highway is a vital north-south connection between Victoria and Queensland with sections closed for up to 70 days a year due to poor weather – and often for weeks at a time – directly impacting local residents and businesses, essential services and interstate road users.

“A sealed highway not only means quicker, safer journeys for all road users but will also mean it can stay open more often when the region experiences extreme weather.

“Sealing the Cobb Highway remains the final piece in the puzzle for a fully-sealed highway network, which is due to be completed mid-2023.”

/Public Release. View in full here.