Only school in Australia specialised in Language Disorder changes name to Mancel College. New name honours pioneering psychologist

Language Disorder Australia

Brisbane, Queensland: This week, after 45 years of operation, The Glenleighden School located in Fig Tree Pocket, has been renamed as Mancel College, honouring its founder, Mancel Ellis Robinson OAM, who in 1976 identified a lack of appropriate services and educational facilities for children with ‘communication and learning problems’.

Mancel College is the only school in the country entirely dedicated to students with Language Disorder, offering a specialised, multidisciplinary education for children and young people with the condition.

Operated by Language Disorder Australia, the peak body in Australia educating, supporting and advocating for children and young people with Language Disorder, Mancel College is staffed by a talented team of teachers, therapists and support staff dedicated to helping students achieve beyond what anyone imagined possible.

“We deliver the Australian Curriculum, with adjustments to meet our students’ diverse needs, and aim to provide a quality independent educational experience in an environment that is both inspiring and exciting”, says Language Disorder Australia’s CEO and Executive Principal of Mancel College, Mr Mark Yeowell. “This is only possible today thanks to the visionary spirit of Mancel Ellis Robinson and many others who have worked tirelessly over the past 45 years.”

The change of name coincides with the roll-out of a campus Master Plan that will soon offer a number of new classrooms, specialist technology facilities, dedicated spaces for the arts, a sports hall and swimming pool. The first building in the Master Plan and the new adventure playground is nearing completion.

Mr Yeowell is confident that these developments will help students to achieve more: “It’s wonderful that we can continue to develop our facilities to ensure that students with Language Disorder can access quality, contemporary educational facilities which enable us to help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.”

/Public Release.