Overland Track returns to full capacity

Guy Barnett,Acting Minister for Parks

The iconic Overland Track is ready to welcome more visitors, with bookings for the track returning to full capacity.

The return to full capacity will allow for 34 walker departures per day, which is an increase from the limit of 24 that was set when the huts first reopened following the initial COVID lockdowns.

Our national parks and reserves make a huge contribution to the Tasmanian economy, particularly in regional areas, by attracting visitors from across the globe.

When the booking season opened on 1 July 2021 for the October to May walking season, we saw unprecedented demand from visitors wanting to experience the Overland Track.

Following a risk assessment, the increased use of the tent platforms and the demand by visitors seeking to book experiences in Tasmania’s parks and reserves has led to the decision to return walker capacity to pre-pandemic numbers.

Visitors are reminded that walkers will still need to follow COVID safe procedures and observe social distancing, which the availability of huts and tent platforms on the Overland Track allows.

Parks and Wildlife staff will also continue to be on the track to assist and ensure safety procedures are followed.

All walkers should also review the safety requirements for walking the Overland Track and follow the Leave No Trace principles to minimise environmental impacts.

I encourage Tasmanians to get out and enjoy the outdoors and support our regional economies by visiting our local attractions and spending in the surrounding communities.

/Public Release. View in full here.