Powertec Telecommunications Announces CSR Partnership with VirtualPsychologist

Powertec Telecommunications Announces CSR Partnership with VirtualPsychologist

Communications and connectivity experts, Powertec Telecommunications announced today that it has partnered with mental health service provider, VirtualPsychologist as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility program.

The partnership with VirtualPsychologist aims to improve awareness of the mental health services available to rural Australians.

Powertec Telecommunications aims to make VirtualPsychologist’s vital 24/7 services more accessible through their range of connectivity solutions.

Powertec Telecommunications, General Manager Samantha Clifton says that Powertec are a leading company in the field of mobile communication technology, helping to educate the public about connectivity solutions.

“Over the years Powertec has grown and developed connectivity solutions whilst working with rural and regional communities. Regional communities lack mobile coverage, communication options in general, often have problematic access to healthcare and education, and they pay more than metro areas for many items.”

“Whilst we are part of the solution in the connectivity arena we want to contribute in other ways. Hopefully by supporting the social enterprise VirtualPsychologist we can make a small contribution to the issues in these communities,” says Ms Clifton.

VirtualPsychologist Founder and CEO, Dervla Loughnane, says that many people in the rural and remote community do not have access to mental health services.

“Due to their location, which may be many hundreds of kilometres away from the nearest mental health practitioner.”

“By offering 24/7 mental health support via text messaging we are able to reach a much larger portion of the population that find themselves in need of support.”

“We are really looking forward to working with Powertec Telecommunications, this partnership will allow us to increase awareness and the reach of our support services,” says Ms Loughnane.

More about Powertec Telecommunications

Australian owned and operated, global hardware and communications company, Powertec Telecommunications, is optimising connectivity far and wide with its low-cost, smart technology solutions.

From humble beginnings in 1995 as a one-man team on the Gold Coast, the company has grown into an international operation with offices in NSW, Victoria, WA, QLD, NT and New Zealand.

Founder and CEO, Raymond Smith, said that the driving force for the development of the business was to deliver individuals and businesses with solutions to help stay connected.

“Our wireless communication products and solutions aim to make a difference in people’s lives and ensure that they can communicate and be connected no matter where they may be,” he said. “The products we offer are intelligent, reliable and durable for optimal connectivity and best possible performance.”

More about VirtualPsychologist

Virtual Psychologist are a group of innovative, qualified mental health professional who have one goal in mind and that is to make mental health services and coaching more accessible to those in need.

VirtualPsychologist provides instant, private, confidential and convenient access to qualified counsellors via SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter and Chat that enables you to access immediate support when and where you want it.

As a qualified psychologist who has worked in many countries around the world Dervla Loughnane is often asked to provide psychological support to Critical Incidents all over Australia. However, one case had a huge impact on Ms Loughnane. A young man; who appeared to have it all, took his own life late one night. He passed away with his mobile phone next to him.

Something that troubled Ms Loughnane was the lack of engagement channels offered by psychologists in Australia. Would he have reached out for help if he could have sent a simple text message and not felt under pressure to ask for help directly?

Could a simple text sent in the middle of the night have provided the support he needed to make another life changing decision? Could an easier form of engagement have resulted in a saved life?

/Public Release.