Relieving pressure for Australians facing cost-of-living challenges

Dept of Social Services

Legislation passed in Parliament today delivers responsible and targeted cost-of-living relief for Australian pensioners and income support recipients.

The Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (More Support in the Safety Net) Bill 2024 implements three of the Government’s 2024-25 Budget measures to strengthen Australia’s social security safety net.

From 20 September, the maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance will increase by a further 10 per cent and eligibility for the higher rate of JobSeeker Payment will expand to single recipients assessed as having a partial capacity to work of less than 15 hours per week.

Changes to Carer Payment participation rules will also take effect from 20 March next year, removing barriers to employment by providing carers with greater flexibility to structure their work and study commitments around their caring responsibilities.

Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth, said “This year’s Budget invested an additional $2 billion over five years in targeted, responsible support for those needing to access the safety net and builds on our strong record of support over consecutive Budgets.”

“For Commonwealth Rent Assistance in particular, on September 20 maximum rates will have increased by 42 per cent, including indexation, since May 2022. We know this direct assistance is helping to ease rental costs.

“Since May 2022, the rate of JobSeeker Payment has increased by $120 per fortnight, or 18.7 per cent, providing over $3,100 in additional support each year.”

“Our changes deliver on our commitment to build a strong and sustainable social security safety net that provides relief to those most in need, when they need it.”

Nearly one million Commonwealth Rent Assistance households will benefit, by up to $18.80 per fortnight for single people, and up to $25.06 per fortnight for families with children.

In recognition of the barriers they experience in returning to employment and the need for additional support, around 4700 eligible JobSeeker Payment recipients with a partial capacity to work of less than 15 hours per week will benefit from at least an additional $54.90 a fortnight, including the higher rate of Energy Supplement.

Carer Payment recipients will be able to work more flexibly, with changes to the 25 hour per week participation rule to instead allow up to 100 hours of work over a four-week period.

Regular indexation of certain payment rates – such as JobSeeker Payment and Commonwealth Rent Assistance – will also occur on 20 September 2024, meaning indexation will be applied on top of these changes, on the same day.

/Public Release. View in full here.