Round three Experience Nature Tourism Fund to further boost visitation

South Australian Tourism Commission

Continuing to deliver on its election commitment, the Malinauskas government has just announced that new nature-based tourism products and experiences across South Australia are set to receive another financial boost when the next round of the Experience Nature Tourism Fund opens next week.

The $2 million fund is supporting tourism businesses across the regions, giving them a chance to bring their nature-based tourism ideas to life. The funding program runs over four financial years, with up to $500,000 available in each year.

To date, 33 nature tourism products and experiences have been supported across South Australia, enabling operators to attract more domestic and international visitors while showcasing the state’s natural landscapes.

Round one of the Experience Nature Tourism Fund saw a total of $485,800 allocated to 18 projects, with a project value of $824,000.

Round two supported 15 projects state-wide and brought the total allocated through the Fund so far to nearly $1 million in grants, with a combined project value of almost $1.6 million.

Projects awarded grants under the previous two rounds included accommodation refurbishments, the purchase of equipment and vehicles for tours and experiences ranging from walking and e-bikes to wellness and photography, and marketing support including content creation.

Round three of the South Australian Tourism Commission’s Experience Nature Tourism Fund will open on Monday 8 July 2024.

Grants from $10,000 to $50,000 are available for new and improved nature-based tourism products and experiences in or near a national park, reserve, wilderness protection area or marine park.

The Experience Nature Tourism Fund is administered by the SATC in partnership with the Department for Environment & Water and the South Australian Government Financing Authority.

Applications will open on Monday 8 July and close on Friday 16 August 2024.

/Public Release. View in full here.