Smart Phone And Smart Dog Catch Driver

Safety technology has foiled a drink drivers attempt to leave the scene of a crash at West Croydon this morning.

At 12.30am Thursday 20 June police received an automated Telstra message that a crash had occurred on Croydon Avenue. When police arrived at the scene they found crash damage to a tree and skid marks on the road but no vehicle.

Western patrols searched the area quickly locating a Holden Commodore on nearby Day Terrace with crash damage. PD Chaos was called in to assist with the search and tracked from the abandoned vehicle to a nearby home locating two young men behind a fence.

Police spoke to the 18-year-old and 23-year-old and questioned them as to who was driving the crashed car. The 18-year-old West Croydon man was arrested and breath tested allegedly returning a positive reading of 0.107.

He was charged with drive without due care, fail to stop at the scene of a crash, drink driving and providing false information. He lost his licence on the spot for 12 months and was bailed to appear at the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court o 18 July.

The 23-year-old Mount Osmond man was reported for providing false information and will be summonsed to Court at a later date.


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