Southbank Streets Need Shoosh Not Whoosh

A Southbank man might have to keep his Volkswagen off the road until he can prove to EPA Victoria that it is no longer a noisy vehicle.

The man pleaded guilty in the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court on a charge of failing to produce a certificate to show the car had passed a noise compliance test.

Police reported the noisy car to EPA Victoria on 8 May 2023, after hearing it on Power St, Southbank. EPA issued the man with a notice requiring him to have the car tested, make any necessary repairs, and produce a Certificate of Compliance by 14 June 2023.

When the case came to court on 28 May 2024, the Magistrate found the charge proven but did not record a conviction. The driver was fined $400.

While the court case is complete, the Southbank man is still required to provide EPA with a certificate of compliance from an approved motor vehicle tester.

/Public Release. View in full here.