Statement – Optus Update Australian Bushfires

Optus continues to support customers and bring mobile sites affected by the bushfires across NSW and Victoria back online, as access to fire affected towns and locations improves.

Optus Chief Executive Allen Lew said, The bushfires in Australia are a live and evolving situation, and we are preparing for the impact of them to last for an extended period.

While a small part of Optus network in south eastern Australia has been adversely affected primarily by fire damage and power outages, we have used the opportunity of favourable weather conditions over the past 72 hours to top up generators and bring in satellite base stations to provide communications into the affected areas.

Mr Lew said Optus continued to work with Emergency Services organisations in the affected states to monitor the situation.

Our network remains resilient and our teams are dedicated to ensuring we restore services as quickly as possible and support customers and our own impacted employees during this challenging period.

At this time, we do not expect the financial impact of the bushfires to be material to Optus.

Mr Lew said the situation had improved significantly from the weekend with 17 base stations down, of which seven locations confirmed as damaged due to fire.

These sites will require partial or full rebuilds, but pleasingly, our intercity fibres that run through some of the impacted areas connecting Sydney to Melbourne are operational.

Maintaining network service continuity and refuelling generators to support our network remain a priority and while weather conditions evolve our contingency planning will best prepare us for any additional challenges.

We know customers need to be connected and we are working diligently to restore services where it is safe to do so.

Bushfire Support

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