Student leaders visit Council

Around 100 students from local primary and high schools have visited the Council Chambers at Hawkesbury City Council as part of a Mayoral reception for student leaders.

Students, principals and teachers met with the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Barry Calvert, which included a tour of the Mayor’s office and the Council Chambers.

The student leaders enjoyed the chance to think about what it was like to be a Councillor, while other students had a go at being the General Manager or Council Directors in a mock Council Meeting under the Mayor’s guidance.

The Mayor talked about how local government works, where it fits in the scheme of Government generally and how the three spheres of government relate to each other and “who does what”. He discussed local issues and how the State Government builds bridges over the river. Council’s Corporate Communications Manager Suzanne Stuart provided an insight into the workings of Council itself and told students about the many events that Council hosts or sponsors that often appeal to young people in the Hawkesbury, such as the upcoming Youth Fest on 12 April at Richmond Park.
Student leaders meet Mayor

When quizzing the students with various questions, Councillor Calvert was impressed by the students’ combined knowledge about government generally. The Mayor said he hoped that the students would continue their interest in politics, an interest he developed at a young age himself, culminating in 20 years as a Councillor and now the Mayor of Hawkesbury.

/Public Release. View in full here.