Supporting our hospitality workers

Sarah Courtney,Minister for Small Business, Hospitality and Events

The health, safety and wellbeing of Tasmanians is the Government’s number one priority as we continue the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

While we have been able to progress to stage 2 restrictions earlier than planned, it is vital Tasmanians continue to adhere to distancing protocols, practice good hygiene and observe restriction limits.

While capacity in venues is now 80, the one person per 4 square metre rule applies, and so some smaller venues will have fewer patrons.

Hospitality staff are working hard to keep people safe by managing booking arrival and departure times as well as undertaking additional cleaning. This is necessary to keep patrons healthy and safe.

I am very disappointed to learn of recent instances where staff who are enforcing the rules have been abused by patrons.

Tasmanians have demonstrated a strong sense of unity through the pandemic and have banded together to protect one another.

Those in the hospitality industry have been some of the most impacted and I urge Tasmanians to continue to be kind and tolerant as staff implement the rules.

I acknowledge and thank the ongoing work of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association, businesses and staff as we face this pandemic together.

Please continue to support your favourite pub or restaurant and be patient and understanding as they work hard to keep you safe.

/Public Release. View in full here.