Tasmania’s sustainable primary industries sector is leading nation

Guy Barnett,Minister for Primary Industries and Water

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is making record investments into our sustainable primary industries and the result is a booming sector that is leading the nation, driving regional communities and building a future for Tasmanians by creating jobs.

Since the Liberal Government was first elected in 2014 we recognised agriculture and other primary industries as important pillars that support the broader Tasmanian economy, employing thousands of Tasmanians in regional communities.

Throughout the past 8 years there has been no stronger supporter of our primary industries sector than outgoing Premier and Treasurer Peter Gutwein, and we thank him for his outstanding leadership and enthusiastic commitment to sustainable growth and excellence.

It’s this support and the commitment of the Tasmanian Liberal Government that has seen us go from strength to strength including;

  • Tasmanian farmers continuing to top the rankings as the most confident and optimistic in the country;
  • The gross farm gate value of agricultural production exceeding $2 billion for the first time, growing by 13 per cent in the past year, putting us firmly on track to achieve our goal of $10 billion by 2050;
  • The 2020-21 ABS data shows the Gross Value Added by Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing rose by 21.1 per cent and accounted for around half of the growth in the Gross State Product of 3.8 per cent for that year;
  • Demand for our products continues to soar with record exports totalling $4.47 billion for the 12 months to January 2022. We have had increased annual export value every month since February 2021;
  • 15 of the past 19 irrigation schemes built in Australia have been commissioned here in Tasmania providing a Pipeline to Prosperity for our farming communities;
  • The 2019-20 Agri-Food Scorecard showed the farm gate value of dairy increased 10.6 per cent with record milk production volumes, fruit increased by 22.1 per cent, vegetables increased 13 per cent and meat increased by 20.4 per cent; and
/Public Release. View in full here.