Latest Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia News

Other countries have struggled to control how kids access the internet. What can Australia learn?
Professor Brodaty Honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award
Labor’s new National Urban Policy is welcome. But will it be transformative?
Australia plans to regulate ‘high-risk’ AI. Here’s how to do that successfully
Shaping the Future: A new approach to policy that works for young people
Professor Lisa Brophy named Academy Fellow
We urgently need $100bn for renewable energy. But call it statecraft, not ‘industry policy’
Book launch of ‘More Than Fiscal’, Australian National University, Canberra
Premier Announces 30th Governor Of Victoria
The coal whack-a-mole: getting rid of coal power will make prices fall and demand rise elsewhere
Australia Day Honours awarded
New Chief Research Officer to further build research excellence
Professor Henry Brodaty Honoured by Academy of Social Sciences in Australia 14 November
Professor Henry Brodaty Honoured by Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Academy of Social Sciences in Australia honours six UNSW academics
Autism researcher elected to Academy
New Executive Directors to lend ARC expertise
Enabling Australia’s data-driven future for science
Statement from Learned Academies on ARC grants veto
From rhetoric to action – academies release statement on COP26
Prestigious Academy of Social Sciences recognises Western Sydney University researcher
University academics join Academy of Social Sciences
International recognition for UniSA sociologist
Pandemic risks wiping out hard-won gains by women in STEM
Research sector answers Government’s call for best available evidence on COVID-19
Chris Anderson to head up Academy’s policy team
Researchers partner with government, industry and community to address social challenges